BEYOOOOONDS② Release Commemoration! Special Interview 2nd Part - Okamura Minami [Part 1/2]

A book that is the embodiment of BEYOOOOONDS' strength. 

Once again, could you give us your thoughts on seeing the completed version of BEYOOOOONDS②?

Okamura: It starts off with the mature red dresses as the cover, with everyone being so poised in the pages, but as I continued reading it suddenly goes to the pages with the typically BEYOOOOONDS-like sportswear. I believe that this is a book that really shows off the strength of BEYOOOOONDS who ends up doing funny things seriously (lol). The unreleased shots of the "Biyooooonmu" series from Up To Boy are featured in this publication, and it had just been exactly a year for me, so I feel that my face has probably changed a little bit since then. 

ーActually just before, we had asked the members who they think has changed the most this past year, and the name that came up the most was yours, Miimi!

Okamura: Huh! Is that so!? I'm so happy...…!

ーAside from your appearance, what do you personally think has changed in you?

Okamura: I think the biggest thing would be the increase in my hobbies. Also, I've managed to calm down (lol). Before, I wasn't able to talk coherently at all and I was very restless, but having these opportunities of interviews and news coverages like this has increased for me, and I believe I'm getting slightly better at talking. Right now I personally think I've become a little more mature, too (lol). So when everyone tells me this, I become happy.

ーNo, no, you were also pretty well-put even a year ago! The theme for your photoshoot for the "Biyooooonmu" series had been the gap between a rock style which is also a hobby of yours, as well a Miimi-like girly side.

Okamura: Since this past year I've come to really love Japanese rock, having to carry a guitar on my back in a school uniform and jumping while strumming a guitar, and having to do things that are close to my recent hobbies has been really fun! As for the shots with the white room-wear, I was able to wear cute, frilly clothes. There were also a bunch of stuffed toys lined up in the room, but since I have, give or take, about 30 stuffed toys in my house, it's clear that I love stuffed toys. This was truly a photoshoot filled with all the things that I love.

ーAt that time, we also thought that you've gotten pretty mature, but looking back once again, this time around we believe that your expressions have gotten even more mature. For this book, the regular edition had the shots with the red dresses as its cover, but in the Amazon limited edition, everyone is wearing matching uniforms in the cover!

Okamura: For the Amazon limited edition of "BEYOOOOONDS①", everyone wore uniforms with a light blue skirt and were lined up in two rows as well, but during that time the type of ties and shirts that everyone wore were varied, and it highlighted the personalities of each member very well. I thought that was very BEYOOOOONDS-like already, but this time everyone is wearing the same exact uniform. In BEYOOOOONDS, we don't have many opportunities to wear the same outfit at all, so it makes me happy to think that this is a very fresh change for once.
